
Senior Full Stack Developer and passionate Gamer

"Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds


Hello, my name is Christian and I am a senior full-stack developer by profession. In my free time, I am a passionate developer of Linux applications, my own OS based on Arch Linux, World of Warcraft add-ons, DayZ mods and simple and minimalist websites. I love working with Arch Linux vanilla and am very minimalistic. This means that I don't use desktop environments, but prefer WMs like i3WM.

This page actually has no content and only serves as a landing page for my server, which I use for private projects.

I've been using Arch as my main OS for many years and just love the freedom it gives me. I mainly use Arch and MacOS for work and Windows for gaming. Yes, that would also be possible with Arch, but since I have very little private time and my job demands a lot of me, I'll make it as easy as possible for myself.

Why Linux?

I love open source and open source code. For me it means freedom and that I can lend a hand and change everything the way I need and want it.

Why Arch Linux?
Yes, that's a good question. Debian, Ubuntu, etc. are all good distros, without question, and they have their users for a reason. For me personally, you are far too overloaded with unnecessary stuff. I'm completely minimalistic, so I love how Arch just gives me the ability to build it from the core, with the things I need and want, without any of the bells and whistles. DE like gnome and so on are just a horror to me. Which doesn't mean they're bad or anything. This is all about my opinion and how I feel. And let's be honest. I just love the phrase "I use Arch, btw!" ;)

Do you also use other OS?
Yes, as I already mentioned, I use a MacBook Pro for work in addition to Arch Linux, as everyone there uses MacOS and it is therefore easier for me. And just for the sake of simplicity, I also use a gaming PC with Windows 10 for gaming, which I have also modified quite a bit. Yes, you can also play games with Arch, but with my limited time, I just make it as easy as possible and as quickly as possible.


Yeah, sure. Unfortunately, I have very little time for this hobby or passion because I work a lot.

World of Warcraft
I've been playing World of Warcraft with great love since 2005, since its release, but since Legion I just haven't been able to enjoy the retail versions, even though I do watch them every time they come out, so I just play World of Warcraft Classic and continue to develop new add-ons or backport add-ons from retail to other versions that I play such as 1.12.1 (Server: Everlook), 2.4.3 (Server: Stormforge - Netherwing) and 3.3.5a (Server: Warmane - Lordaeron) .
Alliance or Horde? Lok'Tar Ogar and a proud Cow Warrior and Druid since 2005.

Another game that I simply loved and spent thousands of hours on is DayZ. I fell in love with this zombie survival game back in ArmA2 times, and I love the vanilla version and always in first person and am a real Namalsk fanboy. I can't do anything with a murdered trader server. Here, too, I design light mods for the game, but they are totally vanilla-like and only make the game a little more fun. I only play on the KarmaKrew DayZ or DayOne Servers.

And otherwise?

What else is interesting about me?

Personally, I collect and build 60% and 75% mechanical custom keyboards. It all started with little space and the search for the right keyboard and then turned into a new hobby.

I love music and just can't imagine life without music. I'm not interested in movies, TV, etc. in the slightest, but I can't do anything without music, which is why you always see me with my AirPods or Google Pixel Buds Pro in my ears. Even at work I always have to have music. My taste in music is probably not that mainstream, so I love SKA, Punk and Oi! I used to make music myself, but unfortunately I haven't had the time for it for years now.

So, I think that was all the important stuff, and I've now felt like my landing page has enough unimportant things and can now focus on important things again.